Notes & Highlights: March 4-5
Pierre, SD
Public Hearing 2 PM
• A change in proposal makes the effective date Feb. 8, 2010 where it appears in rule; also change to rule to read “may take eyas or fledgling birds.”
• Standards for falconry: The standards for the practice of falconry in South Dakota will be those in 50 C.F.R Part 21, which may be downloaded from .
• Expansion of the take season. We propose the following raptor take seasons: The trapping of passage raptors will be permitted between August 1 and March 31. Currently, the trapping of passage raptors is permitted between September 21st and January 31st. Eyas may be taken between May 1 and July 31. Currently, eyas may be taken from May 25 to July 10.
• There is no change in the number of wild raptors that may be taken in a twelve month period. No more than two wild raptors may be taken in any twelve month period.
• Transfer and take of falconry raptors will be reported to Game, Fish and Parks on the 3-186A form within 10 days. The state will report raptor take and transfer to the federal database.
• The falconry hunting season and game limits will remain the same.
• This recommendation to adopt by reference the new federal regulations will change the current falconry program in South Dakota by the following: 1) expand the take season for the trapping of passage raptors as described above; and 2) all administrative duties and permitting will be the responsibility of the Wildlife Division; applications and permits will no longer have to be approved by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
• The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has completed a major revision of the federal falconry regulations. By 2014, every state must comply with the new federal regulations and have a state falconry program approved. Once a state falconry program is approved, the state will issue all falconry permits and the current system of issuing a joint permit with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service will cease. States that do not have an approved falconry program will not be allowed to permit falconers and falconry will not be practiced in that state.